As a long term marketing strategy, every business should consider search engine optimization (SEO). Optimizing a site for search engines involves looking at a variety of on-site technical aspects, content and off-site authority signals. Our services start with developing a fundamental front-end that allows for all content to be visible to search engine crawlers and provide them with the most detail for each page of the site. In depth research provides a framework for a keyword targeting strategy. Relevant keywords are used within content & titles that will ensure that customers can find what they are looking for.
The Technical Phase
While all websites are built differently, certain aspects need to remain consistent with standard programming protocols that search engines can crawl and understand. The technical portion of SEO inspects all elements of a website to ensure that there is a clear hierarchy of content that can be indexed. A typical audit includes looking at front-end specifics such as heading structure, title & description meta tags & URL structure amongst other on page coding. A full technical audit typically ranges between 40 and 80 hours. A technical audit is the most fundamental part of good SEO. Without a solid site structure and framework, content can remain invisible to search engines.
Content Optimization
Research tools are used to identify the keywords that your customers are searching for. A keyword strategy needs to look at competition and target terms that can help your business consistently grow over time. Its not about shooting for the stars, its about an ongoing detailed analysis of keyword phrase and their performance.
Off-site Consultation
Link building and managing your social media can be one of the most difficult tasks of online marketing, but can make a huge impact on your SEO efforts. Get the tools and advice you need to brand yourself in the digital space for users and for search engines.
SEO Plans
Search engine optimization techniques are considered in all of our web development projects. In addition, consulting services are available and are priced based on an hourly scope of work. Plans can be established for a fix time frame to allow for easy payment options that can give your site success through the longevity of an ongoing SEO strategy. Please see our pricing page for hourly rates.